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Transitional kindergarten is the first of a two-year kindergarten experience. Research has shown that children in the transitional kindergarten age group have particular developmental needs linked to school readiness skills:
  • Social and self-development
  • Self-regulation
  • Language and literacy
  • Mathematical developmental domains 

A high-quality curriculum designed to specifically address these needs prepares a student to enter kindergarten, ready to learn.


Fremont Christian School's transitional kindergarten offers a stimulating learning environment specifically designed to meet the unique developmental and academic needs of children whose birthdays have missed the California State age requirement for kindergarten entry. California’s public school systems have set their eligibility for transitional kindergarten in 2025-2026 for those who turn 5 between September 2, 2025 and September 1, 2026. However, FCS offers something a bit different. Kindergarten at FCS is open to children who turn 5 on or before November 1, 2025. If your child turns 5 before November 1, you have the option of applying to either Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten.

At FCS, a research-based, well-supported transitional kindergarten is provided to all age-eligible enrolled students.
  • Age Eligibility: Turning five (5) between September 2, 2025 - September 1, 2026
  • Class Schedule: Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM–2:45 PM
  • Extended Care (Available): 7:00 AM–8:00 AM and 3:00 PM–6:00 PM

FCS provides a balanced approach to transition the experienced preschooler for kindergarten success.


Transitional kindergarteners at FCS are included in the exceptionally successful elementary music program, as well as social experiences with older kindergarteners on the kindergarten play yard. Students also attend weekly elementary chapel, visit the school library, and participate in an annual elementary musical production. A Chromebook cart is dedicated to the TK-K classrooms, where teachers consider how curriculum and learning targets will best intersect with technology and use them to promote student growth. The classroom is located in the Rankin Building on the elementary campus.

Transitional kindergarten & GLAD

In order to align the transitional kindergarten curriculum with the K-12 academic experience, FCS has implemented Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD), a research-based professional development model and strategic approach to learning that promotes language acquisition, academic achievement, and cross cultural skills. Learn more about GLAD.


While children engage within the curriculum framework that encompasses intentional teaching practices, materials, and an engaging environment, concepts become integrated and tangible for higher retention of knowledge-bases learning that exceed kindergarten state standards, all while maintaining best practice.


Outcomes for transitional kindergarteners are aligned with research-based critical areas of development, including responsible conduct, conflict negotiation, problem-solving, comprehension and analysis of text, self-control of behavior and feelings, and other areas directly linked to kindergarten and later academic success rates.


FCS administration maintains awareness of state transitional kindergarten standards to ensure that we are implementing our curriculum at a higher standard. While we are the only transitional kindergarten in the Tri-Cities that provides a full-day program and progression to elementary education through music and computers, we also implement our curriculum at a very high level. By attending state-organized transitional kindergarten trainings and workshops, we are able to ensure that FCS continues to provide the best transitional kindergarten experience there is to offer.

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